Erik Tate

Boston University

Studying Foreign Relations

Boston University

Erik Tate is a senior at Boston University  studying international relations, specifically foreign policy and security studies, and a regional focus in Africa and the Middle East, with a minor in pre-law. 

After college graduation, he hopes to earn a PhD or Law degree and go work for the CIA or State Department. Erik is actively seeking an internship opportunity at the Treasury Department, State Department, or CIA.

He has been a Congressional Intern for Congressman Ron Kind in the United State House of Representatives.

Erik says, “I am very happy and grateful to be receiving this scholarship award. It is an honor to have this type of support, as it will enable me to focus on my studies.”

It is our honor to serve Erik and his family, and we are so excited to see what he accomplishes as he completes his degree and what he enjoys in the years afterward.

NGS would also like to thank our amazing partner, the Johnny Mac Soldiers Fund, for their support in making Erik’s dreams come true.

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